
MHS Commercial & Residential LLC

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MHS Commercial & Residential LLC is a Kitchen Remodeling company located in Tampa FL. They can be reached by calling 813-512-2922.

2437 S 86th St, Tampa, FL 33619, USA

1 Comment

  1. Ashley D Atkinson

    If you want your job done at all, find a different company.

    Between March 1 and April 30, 2019, we provided more than $25,000 to MHS per their schedule for our garage-to-living conversion. We acted in good faith, choosing to believe they would uphold their end of the agreement. I mean, that’s what good people do and why contracts exist. As of today, we have had our home left open and unsecured for more than 40 days with no schedule for work to be continued or performed. They ignore our phone calls, texts, and emails. They ignore the phone calls, texts, and emails from subcontractors. Their websites are down. Subcontractors have notified us that MHS has not paid them for the work they’ve performed. At this point in time, we’ve come to two possible conclusions: they’ve spent our money on other projects and now have no way to pay for ours, or they’re intentionally delaying our project. This is not a comprehensive narrative of the issues we are facing with this company, just the gist.


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